Prof Johan Botha

  Research Director: Edu-HRight
  +27(0) 18 285 2265
  Building B6, Office G08 , Potchefstroom

  Prof Nicholus Mollo

  Associate Professor, Edu-HRight Scientific & EXCO member and Sub-Area Leader: Legal Perspectives, Governance and Democracy
  +27 18 299 2141
  Building B11, Office G11, Potchefstroom Campus
  PhD in Education Law
  Discipline in schools; Labour Law in Education

  Prof Aaron Nhlapo

  Deputy Subject Group Leader : Comparative & International Education
  +27 16 910 3218
  Building 11B, Office 134, Vanderbijlpark, Vanderbijlpark
  PhD., M.Ed., B.Ed. (Hons.), SPTD., ACE.
  Education Management

Transformative leadership in Education Professor

  Prof June Monica Palmer

  Professor, Edu-HRight Scientific and EXCO member
  B11, Potchefstroom
  PhD (Education Management)
  Transformative leadership in Education

  Prof Shan Simmonds

  Professor and Sub-Area Leader: Citizenship
  +27 18 299 4764
  Building C6, Office 129, Potchefstroom Campus
  BEd, BEdHons, MEd, PhD
  Curriculum Studies, Gender Studies, Higher Education Transformation

  Dr Annamagriet de Wet

  Subject Group Leader, Edu-HRight Scientific member and Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 4596
  Building B11, Office G52, Potchefstroom Campus
  BCom, PGCE, BEdHons, MEd, PhD Education Law*
  Human rights in and through education from, education law and diversity perspectives*

  Dr Oliver Gore

  018 299 4930
  Building C1, Office 238 , Potchefstroom

  Dr Coenraad Jurgens

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 (0)18 299 2685
  Building B9, Office G03, Potchefstroom Campus
  HED (Tech), BEd Hons, MEd, , PhD
  Sports Law, Education Law, School Discipline, Workshop Policies

  Dr Kgale Mampane

  Deputy Subject Group Leader and Lecturer: Education Law
  Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  MEd and PhD
  Education Law

  Dr Mthobisi Ndaba

  Academic Quality Assurance Coordinator
  018 2994 952
  Building 5, Room G10, Potchefstroom
  BA Hon (Social Work), MA (Sociology), PhD (Education)
  Higher Education studies

  Ms Melody Mtimkulu

  Deputy Subject Group Leader: Setswana and African Languages for Education and Lecturer
  +27 016 910 3570
  Building 11B, Office 107, Vanderbijlpark
  IsiZulu, Curriculum Development, Teaching & Learning, Teacher Training, Academic writing, Critical thinking

  Prof Louise Postma

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 4772
  Building C6, Office 209, Potchefstroom Campus
  BA, HED, BBibl, BA Hons, MEd, PhD
  Critical pedagogy, new materialism, diffraction, social justice

   Dr Corlia Twine

  Programme Leader: BEd Honours and Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 2149
  Building C6, Office G127, Potchefstroom
  BEd, BEdHons, MEd, PhD
  Aggression, Violence, Residence traditions, Cultural agility; Learning Agility; inclusive student culture

  Dr Ephraim Kgwete

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 9050
  Building A2A, Office G05, Potchefstroom
  PhD, M.Ed, B,Ed, BA, and H.E.D
  Leadership and Management in Education

  Prof Marius Smit

  +27 18 299 4325
  Building B10, Office G26, Potchefstroom Campus
  DNatCo, BCom, PGCE, LLB, LLM, PhD
  Education Law; Democracy and School Governance; Fundamental Rights in Education; Labour Law in Education

  Prof Erika Serfontein

  Deputy School Director : School of Professional Studies in Education (SPSE)
  +27 16 910 3458
  Building 11B, Office G17, Vanderbijlpark Campus, Vanderbijlpark
  BA (Law), BIURIS (cum laude), LLB, HED, FDE (LSEN)(cum laude), MEd (cum laude), PhD
  Fundamental human rights; rights to basic education; school governance; labour law; legal research

   Dr Shantha Naidoo

  Senior Lecturer and Sub-Area Leader: Bio-Psychosocial Perspectives
  +27 18 299 4551
  Building B11, Office G51, Potchefstroom Campus
  PHD in Education Leadership and Management Masters in Learning Support
  Roles of SMTs, SGBs and Educators in managing and facilitating racial integration, policy and practice, inclusive education in public/full-service schools, violence in schools, education wellbeing and gender-based violence.

  Prof Louw de Beer

  Associate professor
  +27 18 299 2158
  Building B11, Office G31, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  Comparative Education. BRICS Education Systems, External Contextual factors of Education. Components of Education. History of Education. International Education

  Dr Joyce Dhlamini

  Deputy Subject Group Leader and Senior Lecturer: Education Management and Leadership
  +27 18 389 2079
  Base Building, Office 42, Mahikeng Campus
  Doctoral Degree
  Research in the field of education

  Dr Cecile Eloff

  +27 18 299 1908
  Building B10, Office G22, Potchefstroom Campus
  HED, BEdHons, MEd, PhD
  Human Rights in Education; Human Rights Education; Human Rights Literacy; Education Law; Learner Discipline

  Dr Elize Küng

  Deputy Dean of Education Community Engagement and Stakeholders Relations and Deputy School Director for School of Language Education (Acting)
  +27 16 910 3087
  Building 11B, Room 101, Vanderbijlpark
  B.A, PGCE, BEd, Hons, MEd, PhD
  Human rights, Educator legal status, Education law

  Dr Celestin Mayombe

  Senior Lecturer and Sub-Area Leader: Diverse Contexts
  +27 16 389 2092
  Building A2, Block B2, Office G14, Mahikeng Campus
  Ph.D. (Social Development), University of Pretoria; M.So.Sc. (Policy and Development Studies), UKZN; M.Ed. (Curriculum studies in Adult Education and Training), UKZN
  Curriculum studies, teaching and learning approaches, vocational skills training, work-integrated learning (WIL), Adult Education and Training (AET), Non-Formal Education and Training (NFET), Skills development for poverty reduction, youth skills training

  Dr Joop Oosthuizen

  Lecturer: Technology Education (Civil)
  +27 (0)18 299 1868
  Building B9, Office G06, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  HED (Tech), B.Ed Hons, M.Ed, PhD
  Education law - Educator and workplace security, school infrastructure, Occupational Health and Safety

  Dr Anja Visser

  +27 18 299 4753
  Building C6, Office 127, Potchefstroom Campus
  BEd, BEdHons, MEd, PhD
  Curriculum Studies, Human trafficking, Human rights education

  Prof Deon Vos

  Subject Group Leader and Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 4743
  Building C6, Office 142, Potchefstroom Campus
  BA, BEdHons, Med, PhD
  Education management and leadership; Comparative education

  Mrs Mallery Mitchell

  +27 16 910 3571
  Building 11B, Office 104, Vanderbijlpark
  BEd Hons
  Life Orientation, Learner Support

  Prof Willie van Vollenhoven

  Special Adjunct, Associate Professor and Academic Manager: Faculty of Education - Unit for Open Distance Learning
  +27 18 299 4542
  Building B11, Office G57, Potchefstroom Campus
  BA, HED, FDE, BEdHons, MEd, PhD
  Education Management; Education Law

  Prof JP Rossouw

  Research Fellow
  +18 285 2028
  Building C6, Office 257, Potchefstroom

  Prof Liam Gearon

  Extraordinary Professor (University of Oxford, England)
  +27 18 285 2028
  Building C6, Office 257, Potchefstroom

  Prof Jan de Groof

  Extraordinary Professor (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
  +27 18 285 2028
  Building C6, Office 257, Potchefstroom

  Prof Ida Sabelis

  Extraordinary Professor (Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands)
  +27 18 285 2028
  Building C6, Office 257, Potchefstroom

  Dr Oluwatoyin Ajani

  Postdoctoral Fellow
  +27 18 299 4775
  Building C6, Office 140, Potchefstroom Campus
  B.Ed. (Social Studies Education), M.Ed. (Sociology of Education, PhD. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies).
  Curriculum Studies, Teacher Education, Higher Education Transformation, Sociology of Education