Staff - Diverse Contexts

Diverse Contexts



Lead by Dr C (Celestin) Mayombe


Human rights injustices are inscribed within the multifaceted and interconnectedness of diverse contexts. Education, as a deeply engrained moral and ethical practice, is by its very nature embodied and embedded in public and private contexts such as, but not limited to, schooling, higher education, and wider society. Within these contexts our research embraces and problematises constitutional values of human dignity, equality and freedom in our research pursuits of diversity in its most nuanced sense (namely, religion, culture, race, ethnicity, age, health, (dis)ability, nationality, language, gender and sexuality) so as to (re)imagine transformative and innovative education.

  • Commitment to social justice through research that contributes to the advancement of inclusive and equitable education for all.
  • Problematising access and equal education for disadvantaged groups of the population in South Africa.
  •  Research on issues related to rights within education for marginalised groups for social justice and human rights in South Africa and Africa.
  • Advocacy for Quality Education for All to attain human dignity and rights for diverse disadvantaged people.
  • The target groups for our research are:
    •   Socio-economically disadvantaged people in South Africa.
    • Unemployed and unskilled youths and adults.
    •  Victims of human trafficking in South Africa.
    •   African refugee youths facing difficulties in accessing higher   

      education institutions.

  •  Presenting conference papers and publishing articles on research to reach out to national and international audiences.

Subarea members: Dr C Mayombe, Prof S Simmonds, Dr S Naidoo, Prof L Postma, Dr A de Wet, Dr C Twine, Dr A Visser


  Dr Celestin Mayombe

  Senior Lecturer and Sub-Area Leader: Diverse Contexts
  +27 16 389 2092
  Building A2, Block B2, Office G14, Mahikeng Campus
  Ph.D. (Social Development), University of Pretoria; M.So.Sc. (Policy and Development Studies), UKZN; M.Ed. (Curriculum studies in Adult Education and Training), UKZN
  Curriculum studies, teaching and learning approaches, vocational skills training, work-integrated learning (WIL), Adult Education and Training (AET), Non-Formal Education and Training (NFET), Skills development for poverty reduction, youth skills training

  Prof Shan Simmonds

  Professor and Sub-Area Leader: Citizenship
  +27 18 299 4764
  Building C6, Office 129, Potchefstroom Campus
  BEd, BEdHons, MEd, PhD
  Curriculum Studies, Gender Studies, Higher Education Transformation

   Dr Shantha Naidoo

  Senior Lecturer and Sub-Area Leader: Bio-Psychosocial Perspectives
  +27 18 299 4551
  Building B11, Office G51, Potchefstroom Campus
  PHD in Education Leadership and Management Masters in Learning Support
  Roles of SMTs, SGBs and Educators in managing and facilitating racial integration, policy and practice, inclusive education in public/full-service schools, violence in schools, education wellbeing and gender-based violence.

  Prof Louise Postma

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 4772
  Building C6, Office 209, Potchefstroom Campus
  BA, HED, BBibl, BA Hons, MEd, PhD
  Critical pedagogy, new materialism, diffraction, social justice

  Dr Annamagriet de Wet

  Subject Group Leader and Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 4596
  Building B11, Office G52, Potchefstroom Campus
  BCom, PGCE, BEdHons, MEd, PhD Education Law*
  Human rights in and through education from, education law and diversity perspectives*

   Dr Corlia Twine

  Programme Leader: BEd Honours and Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 2149
  Building C6, Office G127, Potchefstroom
  BEd, BEdHons, MEd, PhD
  Aggression, Violence, Residence traditions, Cultural agility; Learning Agility; inclusive student culture

  Dr Anja Visser

  +27 18 299 4753
  Building C6, Office 127, Potchefstroom Campus
  BEd, BEdHons, MEd, PhD
  Curriculum Studies, Human trafficking, Human rights education