Katarzyna Chmela-Jones
Exploring project-based learning in graphic design for the attainment of SDL outcomes
Katarzyna (Kate) Chmela-Jones has taught graphic design for twenty years and is currently the Senior Lecturer and Programme Coordinator for Graphic Design at the Vaal University of Technology. Kate’s current research interests are in pedagogies for design education specifically blended, self-directed and project-based learning. She has also published a number
of papers on human-centred design and its application to graphic design education.
Helen Hallissey
Rich Pictures - an innovative research method - 'wensa'
Helen is currently a PhD student at the Department of Education, University College Cork. Her topic is creative writing (primary school students writing plays) and visual arts in the research process. Helen has completed 4 Masters research programmes at the University of Cambridge (2017), Oxford University (2012), Trinity College Dublin (2007) and University College Cork
(1994). She has presented at drama and education conferences in Toronto, Sydney, Paris, Bélem, Venice and more recently in Nice and Valencia. Helen facilitates in-service arts-in- education workshops and teacher professional communities where participants develop and
disseminate resources to local schools. Helen is interested in Mantle of the Expert as a drama
model. A former arts advisor with the Department of Education and the Arts Council, she currently tutors students at Masters level at Trinity College Dublin. Helen is a primary school language support teacher in Cork, Ireland. Helen is a qualified music teacher, singing teacher and drama teacher. She has won national awards for scriptwriting, directing, acting, storytelling and creative teaching.
Emily A. Akuno
Indigenous knowledge through the Arts for sustainable development goals
Emily is a professor of music at Kenyatta University in Kenya, University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, Maseno University and The Technical University of Kenya. She currently serves as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs at The Co-operative University of Kenya. Emily trained as a performer-educator in Kenya, USA and the UK. Her research interests veer towards cultural relevance in music education. She is the editor and a contributing author of the (2019) Routledge publication Music Education in Africa: Concept, Process and Practice. She is a former president of the International Music Council (IMC) and current President of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) as well as chair of the Music Education Research Group Kenya (MERG-Kenya).
Zoleka Mkhabela
The use of paintings as a historical source in the history classroom: How can it develop leadership and employability for the youth?
Zoleka Mkhabela is currently a History Education lecturer at North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus. She is from a township called KwaMashu in Durban in KwaZulu-Natal. She is a PhD candidate focusing on the South African school curriculum and land reform. Her research interests are in History education (particularly controversial issues); South African Curriculum focusing on inequalities and social justice; African history and African consciousness. She has published an article and book chapter on these issues and has presented at local and international conferences. She hopes to engage more with arts-based practices in her studies.
Pieter Warnich
The use of paintings as a historical source in the history classroom: How can it develop leadership and employability for the youth?
Pieter Warnich holds a PhD and is a deputy-director and senior lecturer in History education in the School of Commerce and Social Studies at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University, South Africa. He is involved in the training of History teachers and was a History teacher for 18 years at secondary schools in the Western Cape. His main areas of specialization are teaching, learning and assessment and History education curriculum development. Pieter has presented various papers at national and international conferences in these fields and also extensively published in peer-reviewed articles and chapters in books. He is also the editor of books on History teaching and assessment. He is the vice president of the South African Society for History Teachers and serves on the Editorial panel of the Advisory Board of the International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education and History Culture. From 2014-2018 he was the Editor-in-Chief of the accredited open access History teaching journal, Yesterday andToday.
Jeff M. Poulin
Leadership in Arts and Cultural Education: African Perspectives in the Global Context
Jeff M. Poulin is an American educator, non-profit administrator, and social entrepreneur whose work takes a justice approach towards uncovering local solutions for global challenges. With over a decade of experience in the fields of cultural policy and education, Jeff leads Creative Generation, working to inspire, connect, and amplify the work of young creatives and those committed to cultivating their creativity. He is widely published and has presented at conferences and universities across the country and around the globe. Jeff currently teaches at several universities and consults with regional, national, and international institutions. He hails from Portland, Maine and has earned degrees in arts management, cultural policy, and education from Oklahoma City University, University College Dublin, and University of Glasgow.
"ArteNautas" by Teresa Alexandrino