Chantelle Bosch

Name and surname
Chantelle Bosch
Job title
Associate Professor; Programme Leader: Advanced Diploma in Education (ADE): Computer Science Education (Subject Group Leader)
+27 18 299 4768
Physical address
Building B11, Office G58, Potchefstroom Campus

BEd (Natural Science Education), BEd Hons (Computer Science Education), MEd (Computer Science Education), PhD (Computer Science Education)

Computer Science, Blended learning, Self-directed learning, Cooperative learning, Assessment

Prof Chantelle Bosch is an NRF rated researcher and Associate Professor in the School of Mathematics, Science and Technology. She is the subject group leader for Computers Science education and is responsible for undergraduate computer programming, PGCE and BEdHons modules in the subject group. She completed her PhD in Computer Science education and focuses her research on Blended learning, Cooperative learning and Self-directed Learning. Her main focus is to research blended learning environments that enhances Self-directed learning. She is an executive member for the UNESCO Chair on Multimodal Learning and OER and is the leader of the Blended learning sub-area in the research unit for Self-directed learning.  

Research outputs

Bosch, C., Mentz. E. & Goede, R. 2018. The potential of a learning management system to enhance

self-directed learning In Mokoena, M. A., & Oosthuizen, I. J (Eds.),A Scholarly Compendium for

Teaching and Learning (Vol. 6, pp. 462): IVYLINE.

Bosch, C., & Pool, J. 2019. Establishing a Learning Presence: Cooperative Learning, Blended

Learning, and Self-Directed Learning. In Makewa, L., Manjale, B. & Kuboja, J. (Eds.) Technology-

Supported Teaching and Research Methods for Educators (pp. 51-74): IGI Global.

Bosch, C., & Laubscher, D. J. 2019. Cooperative Learning as a Strategy for Self-Directed Learning in

Blended-Distance Learning Environments: A Systematic Literature Review. In M. Van Wyk (Ed.).,

Student Support Toward Self-Directed Learning in Open and Distributed Environments (pp. 1-25).

IGI Global.

Bosch, C., Mentz, E., & Reitsma, G. M. 2019. Integrating cooperative learning into the combined

blended learning design model: implications for students' intrinsic motivation. International Journal

of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), 11(1), 58-73.

Bosch, C., Mentz, E., & Reitsma, G. M. 2020. Cooperative learning as a strategy for SDL in blended-

distance learning environments: A systematic literature review. In Kyei-Blankson, L., Ntuli, E. &

Nur-Awaleh, M. A.(Eds.), Emerging Techniques and Applications for Blended Learning in K-20

Classrooms (pp. 66-87): IGI Global

Bosch, C., Mentz. E. & Goede, R. 2020. Self-directed learning: A conceptual overview. In Self-

Directed Learning for the 21 st century: Implications for Higher: AOSIS

Laubscher, D. J. & Bosch, C. 2020. A systematic literature review to probe design guidelines for a

self-directed blended learning environment. In J.A.K Olivier (Ed.), Self- directed multimodal

learning in higher education.

Bosch, C., & Laubscher, D. J. 2020. Lessons learned in establishing a teacher presence in a

cooperative blended learning environment: Facilitators’ perspectives. In Mentz, E & R. Bailey,

(Eds.), Self-directed learning research and its impact on educational practice.

Bosch, C., Laubscher, D. J. & Olivier, J.A.K. 2020. The affordances of the Community of Inquiry

framework for self-directed blended learning in South African research. In J.A.K Olivier (Ed.), Self-

directed multimodal learning in higher education.

Bosch, C., & Laubscher, D. J. 2021. Assessment for Blended Learning In Warnich, P., Golightly, A. &

Bosch, C. (Eds.) In Meaningful Assessment for South-African educators, Van Schaik Publishers.

Bosch, C., Van der Westhuizen, C. & Mahai, M. 2021. Effective assessment strategies for Cooperative

learning In Warnich, P., Golightly, A. & Bosch, C. (Eds.) Meaningful Assessment for South-African

educators, Van Schaik Publishers.

Bosch, C. 2022. A Blended learning toolbox. In Bosch, C., & Laubscher, D. J. & Kyei- Blankson, L.

(Eds.). Re-Envisioning and Restructuring Blended Learning for Underprivileged Communities: IGI


Bosch, C., & Laubscher, D. J. (2022). Promoting Self-Directed Learning as Learning Presence through

Cooperative Blended Learning. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research,

21(9), 17-34.

Verster, M. C., Laubscher, D. J., & Bosch, C. (2023). Facilitating Blended Learning in Underprivileged

Contexts: A Self-Directed Curriculum. Competence-Based Curriculum and E-Learning in Higher

Education, 20.