2024 Conference Announcements

7th International SDL Conference

7th International Self-Directed Learning Conference Call

The Research Unit Self-Directed Learning of the North-West University is pleased to announce the
7th International Self-Directed Learning (SDL) Conference.

Achieving quality education for all by 2030 stands as a fundamental sustainable development goal outlined by the UNDP. Self-directed learning research has been at the forefront, guiding educators in preparing students and learners for a world characterized by constant, unpredictable change – a new norm.

The 7th International Self-Directed Learning Conference provides a platform to reflect on past research, generate ideas for future research, and offer guidance for ensuring quality education and lifelong success. This conference serves as an opportunity to share innovative research and collaborate with fellow researchers and educators on best practices to promote SDL. Join us for an enriching gathering of researchers, educators, and enthusiasts dedicated to empowering students and learners to take charge of their educational journey.

Conference theme and subthemes:

Self-directed learning: Pioneering quality education for lifelong success in a dynamic world

•      Learning and assessment for SDL

•      Technologies, blended- and multimodal learning for SDL

•      Indigenous knowledge and context for SDL

Why submit?

  • Showcase your expertise and contribute to the advancement of SDL, with a focus on quality education and lifelong success.
  • Gain valuable feedback and insights to enhance your work.
  • Engage with a global community of educators and researchers who are passionate about promoting SDL.


Submission deadline: 26 July 2024

Notification of acceptance: 22 August 2024

Registration: From 16 August until 18 October

Conference enquiries: Hope Abrahams (hope.abrahams@nwu.ac.za), Sukie van Zyl (LOC chair) sukie.vanzyl@nwu.ac.za