Nuus & Gebeure

21 Julie 2021 15:00-16:00 Prestige-lesing: Disrupted Classes. Undisrupted Learning: Integration of informal learning and open resources to boost education in times of crises (Daniel Burgos, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spanje)



Konferensies en werkswinkels deur die leerstoel aangebied
- Prestige lecture and workshops at the North-West University by Prof. Trudi E. Jacobson, State University of New York at Albany, USA and Prof. Thomas P. Mackey, State University of New York, Empire State College, USA – 19-20 September 2019.
- Workshops and presentations at the North-West University by Prof. Tel Amiel, UNESCO Chair in Distance Education, University of Brasília, Brazil (Co-hosted by the NWU Centre for Teaching and Learning) – 12-14 November 2019.
- Workshops and presentations at the North-West University by Prof. Daniel Burgos, UNESCO Chair on eLearning, International University of La Rioja, Spain (Co-hosted by the NWU Centre for Teaching and Learning) – 18-21 November 2019.
- Workshops and presentations at the North-West University by Prof. Rory McGreal, UNESCO/ICDE Chair in Open Educational Resources, Athabasca University, Canada (Co-hosted by the NWU Centre for Teaching and Learning) – 1-6 Maart 2020.
- Co-hosted webinar together with Prof. Ruksana Osman - UNESCO Chair in Teacher Education for Diversity and Development. Webinar presented by David Wiley (Lumen Learning, Simon Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University & Brigham Young University. USA) entitled Renewable Assignments: The New Pedagogical Possibilities of Open Educational Resources – 23 Oktober 2020.
- Hosted webinar by Prof. Mitja Jermol (UNESCO Chair holder for Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources and Open Learning): Opening up Education with Artificial Intelligence – 2 Maart 2021.

Ander kongresse en aktiwiteit van die leerstoelhouer
- Two presentations by Jako Olivier at the University of Namibia (Windhoek, 1 April 2019):
- Instructional equivalence and intersemiotic translation: multimodal learning through face-to-face and online modalities
- A multiliteracies framework for self-directed learning by means of OER
- Keynote address by Jako Olivier: NADEOSA (National Association of Distance Education and Open Learning in South Africa) Annual Conference, Roodepoort (3-5 Julie 2019): Diffractive pathways in multimodal self-directed learning towards demiurgic access to open education practices.
- Keynote address by Jako Olivier: International Conference on Information Literacy (ICIL), Vanderbijlpark (23-25 September 2019): Information ethics literacy for self-directed multimodal learning through open educational resources.
- Keynote address by Jako Olivier: International Conference on Digital Content Management, Iran (online) (17 Mei 2021): Research ethics for digital content management in a multimodal context: data analytics and the evanescence of research participants.

- Open Education Week: 24-Hour Global CC Network Web-a-thon (Aanlyn, 5 Maart 2019) presentation by Jako Olivier: Exploring the multiliteracies to support access to OER in South Africa.
- International conference paper by Jako Olivier at Approaches to Multimodal Digital Environments: from theories to practices (A-MODE), Rome, Italy (20-22 Junie 2019) – paper: Situated and culturally appropriate self-directed multimodal learning for education students at a South African university.
- Presentation by Jako Olivier on online language platforms at the launch of the VIVA Language and Language Teaching portal (Virtuele Instituut vir Afrikaans (VivA) Taalportaal en Taalonderrigportaal) for Afrikaans which also includes open educational resources. (Online, 21 Mei 2020).
- Dhakulkar, A. & Olivier, J. 2020. Research trends on open education in Southern Africa since 2010: a systematic review and implications. Creative Commons Global Summit, 19-23 Oktober 2020.
- Olivier, J. 2020. Only the lecturer knows best (not!): exploring the role of distant education students’ voices in terms culturally appropriate self-directed multimodal learning. NWU 3rd Annual Teaching and Learning Conference 2020, 27-29 Oktober 2020

Prof. Jako Olivier, UNESCO-leerstoel oor multimodale leer en oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne, het die aanvangshoofrede by die NWU-biblioteek se kollokwium vir die Ooptoegangsweek 2018 op 22 Oktober aangebied. Die tema van die gebeurtenis, wat wêreldwyd gevier word, is vanjaar die ontwerp van regverdige grondslae vir oop kennis. Prof. Olivier se aanbieding was getiteld "Being able to read open educational resources: exploring multiliteracies in support of equitable open knowledge".

Prof. Jako Olivier het die Botswana Oop Universiteit en die Universiteit van Botswana op 19 en 20 November 2018 besoek as deel van die UNESCO-leerstoel oor multimodale leer en oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne se netwerkskakeling. Die besoek het ’n aanbieding aan die personeel van die Botswana Oop Universiteit omtrent oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne, vergaderings met dekane en prof. Frank Youngman (BOU se Adjunkvisekanselier – Akademiese dienste) asook gesprekke met navorsingsamewerkers en potensiële nagraadse studente ingesluit.

Prof. Jako Olivier het die voorreg gehad om die Universiteit van Namibië (UNAM) in April 2019 te besoek om samewerkingsgeleenthede met betrekking tot die UNESCO-leerstoel te ondersoek. Hy het Maandag twee lesings aangebied: een oor multigeletterdhede binne die konteks van selfgerigte leer en die gebruik van oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne (OOH) en een oor die ekwivalensie tussen die kontak- en afstandsmodus van aflewering. Verder is gesprekke gevoer met personeel van UNAM se Sentrum vir Oop, Afstands- en E-leer (CODeL) sowel as die Adjunkdekaan en personeel van hul Fakulteit Opvoedkunde.

Die UNESCO-leerstoel het deelgeneem aan die NWU se Ooptoegangsweek vir 2019 met 'n aanbieding getiteld, Towards lingual equity: the language of open knowledge. Die foto hieronder wys die sprekers by die gebeurtenis in Potchefstroom op 21 Oktober 2019.

Van links: prof. Jako Olivier (UNESCO-leerstoelhouer), dr Mathew Moyo (NWU se Hoofdirekteur: Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdienste), dr Pierre de Villiers (AOSIS), me Valencia Wagner (SADiLar) en prof. Andries van Aarde (AOSIS).