It is with great pride that the AOSIS Publishing Team would like announce the publishing of the latest open access scholarly books (Volume 3-5) in the North West University book series on self directed learning. This series provides an excellent platform for the publication of research undertaken and promoted at the NWU Research Unit for Self-Directed Learning, as well as that of SDL researchers from other institutions.
The following books are now freely available to download in our AOSIS Scholarly Books Library:
- Self-directed learning research and its impact on educational practice
- Becoming a teacher: Research on the work-integrated learning of student teachers
- Self-directed multimodal learning in higher education
The publishing department produced a total of 22 books during 2020. Keep an eye on our catalogue as we continue to publish these scholarly titles.
Self-directed learning research and its impact on educational practice
Volume editors: Elsa Mentz, Roxanne Bailey
This scholarly book is the third volume in an NWU book series on self-directed learning and is devoted to self-directed learning research and its impact on educational practice. The importance of self-directed learning for learners in the 21st century to equip themselves with the necessary skills to take responsibility for their own learning for life cannot be over emphasised. Read more...
Download the PDF here –
The book can be cited by its unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI),
Becoming a Teacher: Research on the work-integrated learning of student teachers
Edited by: Josef de Beer, Neal Petersen & Herman J. van Vuuren
The book is devoted to scholarship in the field of pre-service teacher education. The target audience is scholars working in the fields of pre-service teacher education, work-integrated learning, and self-directed learning.
This book is the fourth volume in the NWU book series on self-directed learning book series.
Download the PDF here –
The book can be cited by its unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI),
Self-directed multimodal learning in higher education
Volume editor: Jako Olivier
The book (Volume 5 in the NWU book series on self-directed learning) covers issues such as what self-directed multimodal learning entails, mapping of specific publications regarding blended learning, blended learning in mathematics, geography, natural science and computer literacy, comparative experiences in distance education as well as situated and culturally appropriate learning in multimodal contexts.
Download the PDF here –
The book can be cited by its unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI),