Staff - Education Management and Leadership

  Dr Anitha Jansen van Vuuren

  Programme Leader: ECCE and Lecturer
  +27 18 299 4598
  Building B11, Office G46, Potchefstroom Campus

  Dr Branwen Challens

  Subject Group Leader & Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 4754
  Building C6, Office 211, Potchefstroom Campus.
  BA, HDE, BEd, Business Management, MEd, Certificate in Human Resource Management, Diploma in School Management, Phd.
  Financial Leadership / Moral Leadership / Collective Efficacy / Ethics and Care / Classroom Management

  Prof Molly Fuller

  Associate professor
  +27 18 285 2070
  Building B11, Office G10, Potchefstroom Campus
  BA, BEd, MEd, PhD
  Leadership and management in Education

  Dr Ephraim Kgwete

  Senior Lecturer
  +27(0)18 378 3155
  Building A2A Block B, Office G05, Mafikeng
  PhD, MEd, BEd Hons, BA  and H.E.D
  Education Management and Leadership

  Dr Joyce Dhlamini

  Deputy Subject Group Leader and Senior Lecturer: Education Management and Leadership
  +27 18 389 2079
  Base Building, Office 42, Mahikeng Campus
  Doctoral Degree
  Research in the field of education

Transformative leadership in Education Professor

  Prof June Monica Palmer

  Professor, Edu-HRight Scientific and EXCO member
  B11, Potchefstroom
  PhD (Education Management)
  Transformative leadership in Education

  Prof Leentjie van Jaarsveld

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 4589
  Building C6, Office 214, Potchefstroom Campus.
  PhD, M.Ed., B.Ed. (Hons.), HOD.
  School principal leadership, school climate.

  Dr Malese Shula

  PhD (UNISA) Philosophy of Education, MEd St Augustine College of South Africa (Education Leadership and Management)

  Prof Patrick Mafora

  Building A17 Room 107 , Vanderbijlpark
  DEd (Educational Management); MA (Leadership in Educational Administration (Cum Laude); BEd; BA; HED; Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration
  School Governance, Leadership and Administration

  Dr Selaelo Mariri

  +27 18 285 2205
  Building B11, Potchefstroom Campus.
  B.Ed (Wits), B.Ed hons. (UNISA), M.Ed (UKZN).
  Instructional leadership and school improvement in the rural context

  Dr Tshepo Tapala

  Programme Leader: PGDip and Lecturer
  +27 18 852084
  Building B11, Office G47, Potchefstroom Campus
  Education Management