Staff - Curriculum Studies

Dr Celestin Mayombe
Senior Lecturer +27 (0)18 389 2092 Building A2, Block B, Office G79, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng M.Soc.Sc, MEd and PhDCurriculum studies, teaching and learning approaches, vocational skills training, work-integrated learning (WIL), Adult Education and Training (AET), Non-Formal Education and Training (NFET), Skills development for poverty reduction, youth skills training
Ms Florence Shange
Lecturer +27(0)16 910 3187 Building A16, Vanderbijlpark Bachelor of Education (General) Honours in Assessment and Quality Assurance in Education Master of Education in Curriculum and Instructional Design (cumlaude)Work integrated learning

Mr Grantt Gouws
Lecturer +27 16 9103126 Building 11B, Office 101, Vanderbijlpark Campus
Mr Helgaardt Meintjes
Lecturer Building A16, Office 133 BEd, BEdHons, MEdCurriculum Studies, School Management and Organistation
Ms Phakamile Mazibuko
Lecturer +27(0)18 299 1192 Building C6 Office 210, Potchefstroom BEd (Summa Cum Laude), BEd Honours (Summa Cum Laude), MEd (First-class pass)Student Access, Support and Success

Dr Phefo Mokgatlhe
Lecturer +27 016 9103099 Building 11B, Office 121, Vanderbijlpark BAEd; BEd; MEd; PhDSubject didactics in English and Psychology, Psychology of Education, Philosophy of Education, Cognitive Education and Curriculum Theory & Development.

Prof Shan Simmonds
Professor and Sub-Area Leader: Citizenship +27 18 299 4764 Building C6, Office 129, Potchefstroom Campus BEd, BEdHons, MEd, PhDCurriculum Studies, Gender Studies, Higher Education Transformation

Prof Louise Postma
Associate Professor +27 18 299 4772 Building C6, Office 209, Potchefstroom Campus BA, HED, BBibl, BA Hons, MEd, PhDCritical pedagogy, new materialism, diffraction, social justice

Dr Anja Visser
Lecturer +27 18 299 4753 Building C6, Office 127, Potchefstroom Campus BEd, BEdHons, MEd, PhDCurriculum Studies, Human trafficking, Human rights education

Mr Eddie Kok
Lecturer +27(0)16 910 3577 Building 11B, Office 111, Vanderbijlpark BA (Phil), Hons (Phil), PGCE, MEdPhilosophy of Education and WIL
Prof Charlene du Toit-Brits
Professor: Curriculum Studies +27 18 299 4738 Building C6, Office 128, Potchefstroom Campus HED (Sec), BEd, MEd, DEdSDL within ODL and fulltime teacher training; Self-directed contextualised learning - (cultural, socio-economic, emotional and educational aspects) effecting the Self-directed preparedness of individuals; Comparative Education

Prof Bernadette Geduld
Associate Professor +27 18 299 4583 Building B11, Office 47, Potchefstroom Campus PhDSelf-Regulated Learning, Self-Directed Learning, Open Distance Education, Parental Support
Prof Divan Jagals
Associate Professor: Curriculum Studies +27 18 299 2154 Building B11, Office G45, Potchefstroom Campus BEd, BEd Hons, MEd, PhDApplication of metacognition on the philosophy of mathematics education by focusing on Metacognition; Mathematics Education; Spirituality and Indigenous Knowledge Systems; Affect
Dr Marry Mdakane
Senior Lecturer: Curriculum Studies +27 18 299 4567 Building B11, Office G49, Potchefstroom Campus HED, BEd Hons, MEd, PhDSelf-Directed Learning; Indigenous Knowledge; Open Distance Learning
Dr Nozi Kgati
Lecturer: Curriculum Studies +27 18 299 4594 Building B11, Office G64, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom SPTD, FDE, BEd Hons, MSc, PhDLeadership and Management; Teaching and Learning

Dr Matthews Makunye
Deputy Subject Group Leader and Lecturer: Curriculum Studies 018 389 2412 Building A2, Block B, Room G20, Mahikeng Campus BA Ed, BA (hons), M Ed., MBA, Post Graduate Diploma, PhDTeacher Education, Curriculum Design & Development, Leadership and Management

Dr Marisa (MC) Verster
Subject Group Leader and Senior Lecturer +27 18 299 4736 Building B10, Office 33, Potchefstroom Campus BEd, BEd Hons, MEd, PhDCurriculum Studies, Self-Directed Learning, Teacher Support