Goals & focus




The central scholarly focus of the entity is on leadership, management governance and policy at all levels of the education system, with a variety of sub-foci as portrayed by the five project groups. School leadership is contextual to the location and context in which the school is functioning, hence it is difficult to assign a specific leadership style for all principals. In the South African context with a large number of schools that are underperforming, it is one of the most important responsibilities of the leaders to manage and lead the change in that organisation for optimal performance in a climate that resists change. The leaders are accountable for achieving higher academic achievements in a positive school environment and climate and therefore they need the necessary skills, knowledge, attitude and values. Leaders need to be equipped to succeed in this endeavour. Education leaders must be prepared to work in a complex and diverse education society. Significant change processes involve social and cultural as well as economic and political aspects: leaders have to take account of the full context of the school.


Vision and strategic aim

The vision of the entity is to establish Research leadership, management, governance and policy in education with a focus on organisational development and contribute to the understanding and practice of educational institutions’ development.

The strategic aim is to development and improvement education, contributing to positive citizenship in the broader South African context.


The goal of the entity is to research educational leadership, management, governance, and policy from diverse perspectives to provide as broad as possible understanding of the issues in education.

These goals include among others:

Leadership styles.

Leadership in and for diversity.

The human and inter-and intrapersonal relations in schools.

The change process for an organisation.

Improve the education system.





Specific objectives will be:

  • To build theory on effective professional development of education leaders and managers in diverse education organisations by optimising the professional and academic aspects of working life and environment.
  • To relate leadership, management, governance and policy with organisational development to give leaders a deeper understanding of and gain insight into theories and practices as well as the problems experienced on different levels by education leadership and management, governance and policy.
  • To develop an improved understanding of the challenges and opportunities in diverse and complex context in which educational leaders function. 
  • To understand and contribute to critical debate on professional preparation development programmes for educational leaders and managers at all levels in the education system.

  • To inform and develop leadership and management programmes and strategies.
  • To develop effective organisational development strategies or guidelines to optimize systemic and individual practices in the work environment that will improve the effectiveness of educational organisations.
  • To relate leadership, management, governance and policy and organisational development to education related practices to gain an insight into problems experienced on different levels.