Projects in progress
1. Human Rights Literacy: a quest for meaning 2012-2014 (NRF funded project)
2. Spaces of Mobility: Child Trafficking, Human Rights Violations and the Curriculum 2013-2015 (ANFASA funded project)
3. Education research for quality PhD study curriculum-making: a South African meta-study 2014-2016 (NRF funded project)
Projects completed
1. Human rights education in diversity: Empowering girls in rural and metropolitan school environments 2010-2013 (SANPAD funded project)
2. Understanding human rights through different belief systems: intercultural and interreligious dialogue 2005-2008 (SANPAD funded project)
3. Human Rights Education and transformative curriculum enquiry: a social sciences perspective (see CV of Prof Petro du Preez)
Theses and dissertations
1. The voice of the teacher in the context of religious freedom: a Kwazulu-Natal case study. (MEd - Jarvis, J)
2. Female teachers’ religious and cultural identities and gender equality in classroom practice. (PhD – Jarvis, J)
3. Facilitating human rights values across outcomes-based education and Waldorf education curricula. (MEd - Du Preez, P)
4. Dialogue as facilitation strategy: infusing the classroom with the culture of human rights. (PhD - Du Preez, P)
5. The experience of women leaders in the South African Democratic Teacher's Union (SADTU). (PhD - Mannah, S)
6. Primary school learners' understanding of human rights teaching-and-learning in classroom practice. (MEd - Simmonds, S)
7. Curriculum implications for gender equity in Human Rights Education. (PhD – Simmonds, S)
8. Sexual Harassment of Learners in Secondary Schools: An Education Law Perspective. (PhD - De Wet, A)
9. Curriculum and intra-dialogic spaces: consciousness and becoming in identity construction based on human rights values. (PhD - Becker, JA)
10. Feminist Perspectives on Integration, Progression and Infusion as Principles of Curriculum Design in Life Orientation. (ME - Kutu, MO)