BA, HDE, BA(Hons), MA, PhD.
KAISER, K. REYNEKE, M. & UYS, M. 2010. Eating soup with a fork – why the EFAL syllabus cannot promote learning across the curriculum. Journal for Language Teaching, 44(2):52-67.
UYS, M., REYNEKE, M. & KAISER, K. 2011. Research Speakers of Nondominant Languages in Teacher Education Programs: Tapping into Perceived Barriers to Promote Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts. (In Ball, A.F., Tyson, C.A., eds. Studying Diversity in Teacher Education. New York: Rowman & Littlefield. p.219-234.)
KAISER, K. 2016. Do the EFAL CAPS and workbooks prepare Grade 4 learners adequately for the demands of English as LoLT? Journal for Language Teaching, 50(2):143-165.
KAISER, K. 2017. Surviving in the multilingual jungle. – a collaboration between pre-service language teachers and in-service content teacher to promote academic literacy. Journal for New Generation Sciences, 15(1)
LEDIBANE, M.M., KAISER, K., VAN DER WALT, M. 2018. Acquiring Mathematics as a second language – a theoretical model to illustrate similarities in the acquisition of ESL and mathematics. Pythagoras, 39(1).