Staff - Diverse Contexts

Diverse Contexts



Lead by Dr C (Celestin) Mayombe


Human rights injustices are inscribed within the multifaceted and interconnectedness of diverse contexts. Education, as a deeply engrained moral and ethical practice, is by its very nature embodied and embedded in public and private contexts such as, but not limited to, schooling, higher education, and wider society. Within these contexts our research embraces and problematises constitutional values of human dignity, equality and freedom in our research pursuits of diversity in its most nuanced sense (namely, religion, culture, race, ethnicity, age, health, (dis)ability, nationality, language, gender and sexuality) so as to (re)imagine transformative and innovative education.

  • Commitment to social justice through research that contributes to the advancement of inclusive and equitable education for all.
  • Problematising access and equal education for disadvantaged groups of the population in South Africa.
  •  Research on issues related to rights within education for marginalised groups for social justice and human rights in South Africa and Africa.
  • Advocacy for Quality Education for All to attain human dignity and rights for diverse disadvantaged people.
  • The target groups for our research are:
    •   Socio-economically disadvantaged people in South Africa.
    • Unemployed and unskilled youths and adults.
    •  Victims of human trafficking in South Africa.
    •   African refugee youths facing difficulties in accessing higher   

      education institutions.

  •  Presenting conference papers and publishing articles on research to reach out to national and international audiences.

Subarea members: Dr C Mayombe, Prof S Simmonds, Dr S Naidoo, Prof L Postma, Dr A de Wet, Dr C Twine, Dr A Visser